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黛比正鸿运当头,赢得英俊多情乘龙快婿,她所主持的国际保镖公司业务亦扶摇直上。此时黛比执意雇用了一性感治艳的女人一苏珊,只因一时被她的热情和魅力所吸引。这个决定为她开启了毁灭的大门,苏珊渐渐暴露出危险而异常的形迹,藉机接近她的丈夫进而摧毁她的婚姻、瓦解她的事业、她的一生,这一连串的事件牵引黛比已模糊的记忆,原来这位她视为新朋友的女人,竟不是第一次出现在她的生命中!Suzanne (Shauna O'Brien), a psycho escort who becomes the roommate of a young couple, Debra and Shane Gray (Scott Coppola, Landon Hall). It turns out that Suzanne had been committed to a mental hospital many years before when she flipped out because her sister committed suicide after having a lesbian affair with Shane in high school.