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超现实喜剧。神秘新导师给走下坡路的银行带来提高工作效率的改革策略——把雇员变成无自我意识的工作机器!这一切正如男主角没画完的漫画书中的情节一样。最终男主和女主一道惩恶、救同事并收获爱情,男主也离开银行专心画漫画。情节可预期。设定像《W-两个世界》。人设像《误打误撞》。David Cork (Lachlan Woods) is a lowly data processor slaving away in the cubicle wasteland of Endo Bank's notorious Data Processing Centre, the DPC. But his real passion is manga. David is obsessed with the superhero Foxy Chaos - and he aspires to meet her creator, Takuya Fujimoro. David's manga dreams are shattered when a sinister Russian HR guru arrives at the DPC. Max Menkoff (Noah Taylor) has big plans and no worker is safe from his "method". Murder, chaos and office zombies take hold! Only David, in alliance with the brilliant and determined Ruby Jackson (Jessica Clarke), can stand in Menkoff's way. But what is the Menkoff Method? And what does it mean for David Cork? Part spy thriller, part anime, part madness - all heart. The Menkoff Method is an audacious workplace comedy, with a flavour all its own!