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我真的爱这种困惑系的情色电影 迷迷糊糊的说了很多意识流的台词 做着一些奇怪的事儿 类似行为艺术 色情并不是这些电影的核心意思 只是一种手段 但那个年代表现的 这种概念 在美学里也绝对是带色气的 但不是那些低级的性行为罢了 Emmanuelle is recently reunited with her husband, but at the next party, she gets drunk and strips nude for his friends. He returns to his lover. Later, a sober Emmanuelle tries to redeem herself, but her husband refuses to forgive. She travels to see him, gets raped on the way by two delinquents, and enters a life of vicious sex to forget him.