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三是神奇的数字,3P电影有过不少,从朱尔与吉姆到戏梦巴黎。此次包裹美式青春校园喜剧外壳,探讨人性深处的爱欲。不同于大师的沉重,片子节奏鲜明结构简单,从出现平衡到打破平衡,遵循着典型的古典戏剧和经典好莱坞的构架。两男一女,如果被爱的人能融合另两个人,就将是完美的吧。Eddy and Stuart share two-thirds of a dormitory suite. Due to bureaucratic error, a woman named Alex is added to their room. At first, relations among the three are tense. Soon, however, Alex falls for Eddy, and Stuart lusts after Alex. Eddy comes to realize not only that he's gay, but that he's attracted to Stuart. The three pledge not to act on any romantic (or lustful) feelings with each other, and become close friends . . . while bottling up a lot of sexual tension.