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大学Xenia图书管理员安排与受虐狂幽灵的S&M相亲,以满足她的幻想和性欲望。 他们在自己的公寓里度过了一夜狂欢,第二天早上鬼死了,喉咙被割伤了。 Xenia清理她的证据并离开这个地方,但是Ghost的朋友Silver调查了Ghost的谋杀案,并在CD中发现了她的档案。 后来他透露,Ghost中士正在调查网站SexServices。 白银与Xenia接触,当他最终披露凶手是谁时,他们相遇。The librarian of the university Xenia schedules a S&M blind date with the masochist Ghost to satisfy her fantasies and sexual desires. They spend the night in his apartment having kinky sex and on the next morning Ghost is dead with slashed throat. Xenia cleans her evidences and leaves the place, but Ghost's friend Silver investigates the murder of Ghost and finds her files in a CD. Later he discloses that sergeant Ghost was investigating the site SexServices. Silver contacts Xenia and they meet each other, when he finally discloses who the killer is.